A quick look at commercial quantum computers. These computers have human like intelligence, and are a totally different ball game from the Bill Gates type of computer.
Currently manufactured by a Canadian startup named D-Wave but others will follow soon.
D-Wave's quantum computer can hold in its "digital mind", possibilities that exceed the number of particles in the whole observable universe!
So if you gave such a computer a chess situation, or any real world issue, it would be able to ponder a number of relevant possibilities that exceeds the total number of particles in the whole observable universe!
Applications would be traffic control, air traffic control, weather predictions....political strategy. War strategy. Very long list.
D-Wave's current machine can ponder 21000 possibilities simultaneously.
That's 2 multiplied by itself 1000 times. Larger than the number of particles in the observable universe.
© D-Wave Systems:
Jun 22, 2015
D-Wave Systems Breaks the 1000 Qubit Quantum Computing Barrier
New Milestone Will Enable System to Address Larger and More Complex Problems
Palo Alto, CA - June 22, 2015 - D-Wave Systems Inc., the world's first quantum computing company, today announced that it has broken the 1000 qubit barrier, developing a processor about double the size of D-Wave’s previous generation and far exceeding the number of qubits ever developed by D-Wave or any other quantum effort.
At 1000 qubits, the new processor considers 21000 possibilities simultaneously, a search space which dwarfs the 2512 possibilities available to the 512-qubit D-Wave Two.
In fact, the new search space contains far more possibilities than there are particles in the observable universe.
Formidable power expanding very rapidly....the quantum computer reduces your Bill Gates type of computer to the status of a bullock cart, in certain applications.
Let us take a quick look at what makes a Quantum Computer tick. As explained by the founder of D-Wave.
1. Everytime you add these Qubits, you double the number of the way I think this is, the shadows of these parallel worlds, overlap with ours, and if we are smart enough, we can dive into these parallel worlds, grab their resources and pull them back into ours.
So what is he talking about, when he talks of parallel worlds?
He is referring to the MWI, or the many worlds interpretation of Quantum Physics:
Many-worlds interpretation of Quantum Physics:
This interpretation implies that all possible alternate histories and futures [of anything] are real, each representing an actual "world" (or "universe").
The hypothesis states there is a very large—perhaps infinite number of universes, and everything that could possibly have happened in our past, but did not, has occurred in the past of some other universe or universes.
MWI is one of many multiverse hypotheses in physics and philosophy. It is currently considered a mainstream interpretation along with others.
Before many-worlds, reality had always been viewed as a single unfolding history. Many-worlds, however, views reality as a many-branched tree, wherein every possible quantum outcome is realised. Many-worlds reconciles the observation of non-deterministic events, such as random radioactive decay, with the fully deterministic equations of quantum physics.
Via Wikipedia:
Consider first a classical computer that operates on a three-bit register. The state of the computer at any time is a probability distribution over the 23=8 different three-bit strings 000, 001, 010, 011, 100, 101, 110, 111. If it is a deterministic computer, then it is in exactly one of these states with probability 1.
However, if it is a probabilistic computer, then there is a possibility of it being in any one of a number of different states. We can describe this probabilistic state by eight non-negative numbers A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H (where A = is the probability that the computer is in state 000, B = is the probability that the computer is in state 001, etc.). There is a restriction that these probabilities sum to 1.
The state of a three-qubit quantum computer is similarly described by an eight-dimensional vector (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h), called a ket. Here, however, the coefficients can have complex values, and it is the sum of the squares of the coefficients' magnitudes, |a|2+|b|2+....+|h|2, that must equal 1. These squared magnitudes represent the probability of each of the given states. However, because a complex number encodes not just a magnitude but also a direction in the complex plane, the phase difference between any two coefficients (states) represents a meaningful parameter. This is a fundamental difference between quantum computing and probabilistic classical computing.
D-Wave has a 1000 qubit commercially successful quantum computer.
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